I’m writing this post from my new home, wild camping somewhere in Germany.
I’ve just spent 4 days at Genesis Import surrounded by a professional and hard working team. The guys have been working on Rafiki all days making sure every little detail counts.
There are still a few more adjustments and equipment to fit on my Hilux and it looks like Rafiki will be ready sometimes next week. That’s why I started to load Rafiki with most of my belongings this morning already!
It’s hard to realise what some people are capable to offer in order to support your solo expeditions. They motivate me so much to go even further.
The worst is that they sponsor me but they never asked me anything in terms of communication and advertisement. And this, in these weird days where influencing is big and sometimes questionable, is priceless. It actually makes me wanna talk about them more!
Earlier this week, got overwhelmed by different emotions since Kena -my rottweiler- got badly sick. I wasn’t focused on Rafiki anymore. My priorities have changed a little bit today.
But what has never changed is this profound and intense desire to go wilder and in extreme conditions with this new setup of mine.
And once I’m all equipped, I can’t wait to plan on the new expe.
Ps: anyone in Germany willing to store the RAFIKI tailgate for a little while? Thank you in advance!