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  • Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

No Way, I Cannot Live Without This.

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

A couple of months earlier, when I was still overlanding Namibia, the cable which connects my phone to the car stereo broke.

And if there is something I really can’t live without is: MUSIC.

Personal story: at a very early age, I could read and write. And I was easily bored and distracted at school. My parents and teachers opted for grade-skipping. To calm me down, I thus started to study music theory at the age of 5. Quickly, I learnt how to play saxophone. Since then, music has always been a real therapy. And for the first time since the age of 14, I’ve been separated from my acoustic guitar. Today, I miss it, a lot. And that’s the reason why I feel the need to tell you more about this aspect of my life.

2 months later, it was finally time to find a way to repair / to change the cable. I watched a few tutorials on Youtube and there it goes, I started to operate the dashboard. I pull the old cable out and replaced it with the new one I bought a few days earlier.

I can finally connect my phone again. It’s easier to follow the gps, to talk over the phone via Bluetooth, to listen to podcasts but especially to all my music playlists. I was sooo happy, relieved and ready to hit the road again!

(I can forget about my guitar again…) (Oh! And a behind the scenes photo with my best friend the tripod.)


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