Warning: boring post ahead although quite important to keep in mind when traveling.
Whether I go traveling solo or not, overlanding or backpacking, for a week or a couple of years, my number one priority has always been my health. Yes, my health. Because a good health is the essential tool to fight for your dreams and to experience them…
Recently, and in real times, I had to cross a very challenging part of the world I will share with you in the next weeks. And knowing that I’ve got a good and reliable health insurance is making my worries lighter. @santexpatfr is following me since a little while now, and ready to assist if anything happens to me anywhere on this Planet. And this is a big relief, especially when I put my health at risk sometimes…
So, for the very last stretch of the solo overland expedition, I want to take this opportunity to thank @santexpatfr for being ready to support my health worldwide as well as my crazy ideas -which are not ready to stop yet!