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Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

Less Money & More Time: How?

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

Let’s talk honestly: it feels weird to see money coming out of my bank account and absolutely nothing coming in anymore, since last January.

The education I received conditioned me to save money as soon as possible to purchase a home one day. My home.

I can see my siblings, my cousins, and my friends investing, building homes, families, or careers.

This never attracted me, ever. Am I blind? Stupid? Unconscious? Crazy? Not normal? Childish? (Because these are the only explanations, they say).

I’m turning 35 in 2 months and I never bought or invested in anything. Well…except if Rafiki counts. If yes, it has been my biggest investment so far…to access absolute freedom.

Call me crazy when I’m proud to call me ‘wild soul’.

And if you see me crazy I want you to see me this way for the rest of my life. Because craziness sets me deeply free and brings me back to where I always belonged and to who I am: A NOMAD.

My savings are insanely disappearing to create more time, more stories, more challenges, more experiences, more silence, many more emotions, to make my life incredibly more intense, powerful and meaningful.

The common question they ask me now: and what will happen when you will have 0 on your bank account?

My answer is: no idea since I decided to say YES to the present moment.


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