In real time, I have left Lesotho weeks ago and entered a few more countries since.
But it doesn’t matter real time or delayed, because it’s been more than 1.5 years that I’m living on the road. Almost 44,000 km, no deep sleeps, and remaining alert 24/7.
Driving from France to Eastern Turkey, back to Germany for a shipping to Cape Town, Cape Town to Kenya, Kenya back to South Africa, Lesotho, and a few more explorations.
I’m alone. Completely alone. And this is extremely tiring. I haven’t seen my family, my parents, my siblings, my grandparents, and friends since almost 19 months now.
It’s my choice, my dream, my project. I assume it 100% and more because every single day of this solo expedition I feel grateful, proud, and deeply happy.
Believe it or not, but every time I work on a new Youtube video (Charline Ribotta), I cannot stop crying re-watching the beginning of this unbelievable adventure. That passion, that strong love for Africa, this fight, these moments, every emotion is stored in my heart, forever.
Today, I need a little break for a couple of weeks. I need to rest, to stretch, to recharge, to work on a plan, I need to know what to do next. I’m actually waiting for some info about something very special that I will share soon enough.
Today, I can assure you that this expedition is the most beautiful experience of my life. And I do not want it to stop. Not now.
I’m thus resting in Africa, somewhere in Southern Africa, starting to miss the family but unable to quit this new life of mine.
PS: don’t forget that you can follow the solo expedition in real time on my Patreon @charlineoverlanding.