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  • Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

I Was Born With A Tiny Difference And I'm Proud Of It Today

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

Since I left Africa in July 2020, I so need to be on my own. I don’t know why. I’m a very outgoing person -always surrounded by many friends- who likes talking and telling jokes all day long. I’m even the ‘clown’ of the family. Laughing is my favourite activity ever!

I don’t know if it’s because of the coco thing, of me getting older, but I really enjoy being alone more and more. Many who knows me very well are quite surprised and they even think I might feel lonely or bored. It’s actually the contrary. This time on my own allows me to think, to overthink, to write (my second favourite activity!) and to protect who I am.

Because I was born HP -which stands for ‘high-potential’- this term sounds very wow but it’s not. It’s been months I feel I need to open up about this. I actually told some of my friends, but not all of them. I told some people in my family, but not everyone. It’s not something I feel comfortable to talk about. But today I want to take the risk and it’s definitely easier to write it. I was born HP. My emotions are like immortal volcanoes inside, and they are unstoppable. I overthink life all day and all night, non stop. I always want to know more, to analyse things, everything, to learn, constantly, and to try; I need to try different things, activities (music, sports, studies), and it needs to go fast. I’m easy bored and hyperactive.

This is who I am. I know I will never be perfect because I’m the contrary, imperfections and contradictions are who I am. And today, I’m proud to be all this extreme, passionate and hypersensitive person. I cry so much for nothing, I laugh so bad for anything, and I love passionately.

I also wanted to do this solo expedition to learn how to protect me from the world. Because HP people are easily broken. I was born this way and I cannot change. I accepted it recently and Africa is actually…my shelter.


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