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  • Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

I Finally Set Up The Departure Date!

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

And I’m feeling so ridiculous right now because tears are rolling down my face while writing this post… I did it. Damn, I did it. I can’t believe it’s been a year since I've dreamed of this moment. 19 months already. 19 months since I left my heart somewhere in Botswana. There has not been a single day where I didn’t think about my dear Africa and a solution to get back there.

Here I am. I’ll leave France by the end of the month. My birthday is on the 23rd and…I decided to leave on the week of the 24th. Exciting! (And thanks for the idea @untouruncinq !)

I wish you all a very happy new year! NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR YOUR DREAMS AND WHAT MAKES YOU TRULY HAPPY! Trust life, the Universe always has a plan for you. And which has been made just for you.

With all my love, C


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