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  • Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

I Do Not Want To Visit Africa!

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

If you’re curious to understand how I’m experiencing Africa, please keep in mind that I do not VISIT Africa but I try my best to LIVE Africa.

I do NOT want this experience to be a race against time. In my situation (not working anymore), I see time as a frustration, a major barrier, and an absurd data which can drastically skew everything I’m looking for.

The purpose of the whole expedition across Africa is to LIVE it with all my heart, all my imperfections, all my senses, and all my questions. I thus want to live it to the fullest and in the present moment, obviously!

YES, I do refuse to VISIT Africa but to LIVE it because Africa is so intense, diverse, authentic, pure that ONE AFRICA does not really exist. There are so many Africas in Mama Africa. And only time can confirm it.

Africa is where everything has started. Literally EVERYTHING. Never forget this.

You won’t see me roaming countries after countries, consuming landscapes after landscapes, getting drunk with cultures, and adding tones of flag stickers. Nope.

I just want to LIVE Africa the best unplanned way possible.


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