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  • Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

How Is It Possible To Be Amazed Every Single Day?

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

I finally met with the person I was missing the past few years: my inner child.

When getting older, our priorities, frame of references, behaviour, naivety, dreams drastically change. Experiences and disappointments transform our sense of wonder. And, most of the time, forever.

I personally want it back in my life. I so miss the way I used to be lost in my mind, in this endless childish imagination…

Africa and its treasures brought me the little Me back in my heart, in my eyes, in my everyday life. And I feel life is easier, nicer, truer. I am and feel amazed literally every single day, and this is priceless.

I do not want to lose it anymore. Is your inner child still in your heart?


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