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  • Writer's pictureCharline Ribotta

A Special Real Times Adventure In Saudi Arabia!

I’ve been silent the past days for many reasons: I had no signal, I was busy crossing 2 borders in a limited amount of time, and I’ve simply been way too busy to care about my social media.

And while I still have so much to share about my explorations in Oman, I decided to keep you updated in real times.

Again, I do not post in real times for many (and obvious!) reasons and I’ve got a couple of weeks of delays now (whereas I was posting with 1.5 months delay when I was in Africa).

Anyway, I have entered Saudi Arabia a few days ago in order to attend the famous Dakar Rally, 2024 edition. I’m overlanding in the region and it would have been such a shame not to attend the worldwide racing event.

I am experiencing insane sightings, adventures, and challenges since I could reach the Dakar. And that I’m so impatient to share with you this weekend (if time is on my side, because days are worst than busy at the moment).

Plus, I enjoy the adrenaline of the event to get Rafiki out of its comfort zone, and….we created some memorable stories a few hours ago…!

Stay tuned, breathe, and get ready.

Ps: have you ever attended the Dakar Rally??


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