Starting Date: 26/01/2022
Numder of days: 175
Number of months: 6
Number of continents: 2
Km Across Europe: 8,752 km
Km Across Africa: 7,140 km
Total km: 15,892 km
Number of countries in Europe: 16
(France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Germany)
Number of countries in Africa: 3
(South Africa, Bostwana, Zambia)
Rafiki’s issues: 0
Charline’s happiness: 1,000,000,000 degrees
I’m attaching you a few photos from the 1st part of the trip across Europe (except the first one which was taken in Botswana).
I’m very happy to keep sharing this trip with you. Thank you for the incredible support since 2 days, I was not ready for so much love. THANK YOU!
PS: you can find all my past articles on my website: www.charlineoverlanding.com in the ‘Travel Diary’ section!