On the 29th of October, Rafiki -my Toyota Hilux- will change outfit, again. But this time, it’s going to be quite huge and…obvious.
On the 29th of October, I’ll have to say goodbye to this rooftop tent setup I enjoyed so much for 2,5 years across Europe, Africa and the Middle East region.
A setup which helped me to create memories of a lifetime and unforgettable situations that I would have never believed possible. Alone, in ‘just a tent’ spending my nights next to one of the worst predators on Earth (yeah, the worst one is still the human). Reaching the dreaming state in the middle of a savannah, a jungle, a bush or a desert.
I will miss this type of basic setup. Very much.
But today, I’m not looking to go on one shot expeditions anymore. Today, I’m planning to make Rafiki a proper home where it feels safe, comfortable, practical, and enjoyable to isolate from the outside world. I’d like Rafiki to become a shelter where I can hide from curious eyes, where I can be upset on my own, cry in peace, be rude and antisocial if I need to.
I need a place to accommodate a being who’s busy making my life full with unconditional love and security.
This new upcoming setup is an absolute blessing during this difficult transition period in my life. I don’t think @genesisimport.de and @alucab_official realise it. How much it means to me.
The tiny downside which stresses me loads is to get rid of the tailgate with the RAFIKI name on it. This meant so much. I remember parking Rafiki anywhere, going for a walk, and when I was on my way back to my car, I had tears in my eyes every single time I could spot ‘RAFIKI’ against the back on my Hilux…
I love this name and everything it means to me. I do not want to get rid of this. Never. I’ll keep the tailgate anyway and I’ll have to find a way to put the same RAFIKI sticker somewhere on the new setup.
Your ideas are more than welcome. Thank you so much.
Ps: Oh! And today, I want to take the risk to leave again. But this time, underprepared….