I will reach 17 months on the road in one week exactly. I have the feeling I started the solo expedition yesterday while I cannot recall some aspects of my sedentary life…
I don’t even understand the concept of ‘Home’ anymore, whatever its meaning. I will never forget my roots but I do not want to belong to a Home.
I just want inconsistency to be my favourite consistency. I want spontaneity to be the queen of my reflections. Childhood to stay the hero of my adulthood. I want confusion and no plan, I need to take risks to feel alive, and a peace of mind to stay alive. I want no anchor on my vessel, but large sails to bit the wind. I want independence to be my favourite dependency. I want to go far away from this adult so I get closer to the inner child. I want challenges to become my own safety, and problems to teach me more lessons. I want to learn as long as I will live, and I want more questions with less and less answers. 17 months on the road and Home seems to be anywhere…